Sunday, May 24, 2009

In Which Sarah Snaps

so nothing new, im not really updating, im not a blog person, but i AM posting this convo just so i can have it saved somewhere because i dont find it worth waising space on my computer, but it is funny
so enjoy i suppose

6:31:34 PM) broadwayluver17: IM GOING CRAZY
(6:31:40 PM) broadwayluver17: DAYS ARE SO FRICKING LONG
(6:31:45 PM) QuileuteGirl: I KNOW!
(6:31:48 PM) broadwayluver17: WHO THE heLL DECIDED 24!
(6:31:51 PM) broadwayluver17: 24!
(6:31:53 PM) broadwayluver17: ITS SO RANDOM
(6:31:56 PM) broadwayluver17: WHY NOT 2!?!
(6:32:09 PM) broadwayluver17: I cOuLD DEAL WITH 9 MORE DAYS IF DAYS WERE 2 HOURS
(6:32:14 PM) QuileuteGirl: lolol
(6:32:41 PM) broadwayluver17: GAH
(6:32:49 PM) QuileuteGirl: :-(
(6:32:49 PM) broadwayluver17: STUPID WORLD HOUR DECIDER PERSON
(6:32:55 PM) QuileuteGirl: I know! :-(
(6:32:58 PM) QuileuteGirl: hahaha
(6:33:05 PM) QuileuteGirl: at's not THAT long
(6:33:05 PM) QuileuteGirl: haha
(6:33:35 PM) broadwayluver17: IT IS THAT LONG
(6:34:05 PM) QuileuteGirl: LOL
(6:34:42 PM) QuileuteGirl: LOL
(6:34:46 PM) QuileuteGirl: Sarah...I love you
(6:34:46 PM) QuileuteGirl: haha
(6:35:27 PM) broadwayluver17: haha
(6:35:30 PM) broadwayluver17: god
(6:35:35 PM) broadwayluver17: they want me to go crazy
(6:35:56 PM) QuileuteGirl: lolol
(6:36:22 PM) QuileuteGirl: :-(
(6:36:38 PM) broadwayluver17: THEY DO

(oh and the game being refered to is the sims 3)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The One Legged Dance

SO i just have to say how amazingly proud I am at my ablitly to dance with one leg. I had charity ball today after the SAT (blahhh) and I am still sprain footed. When it came to slow songs, i disbanded my crutch (im only using one) and just used the boy. As it turns out, boys make great crutches! And you can dance with them! So i liberally used the boys on the slow songs, but with faster paced swing music, boys without a crutch wouldn't cut it. Anywaym I was proud of myself for dancing for four hours with one leg, so i thought i could brag a little. :)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

In which Sarah goes emo.

I hate life.
Not really i love life.
But at this exact moment i am not too happy with life.

Today merely WALKING in my living room (carpet) i managed to strain the ligament in my right ankle. (i think i should mention that before high school i had never been to the hospital, and then in high school, because of my inherent clumsy-ness i am a regular at the ER now) When it happened there was a crack so loud that it was like thunder outside. After the crack i was on the floor. I thought for sure that I had broken my ankle, luckily not, but still I am annoyed that it is strained because it hurts like hell and more importantly, marching band. We have a tour a week from tomorrow (well i guess technically today) and then a parade the next day. I can't do either unless i can somehow prove to my parents that I can walk normal and without any pain, i am not allowed to judge if i am in pain or not though. This might possibly because i turned a minor sprain that should take a about two days to heal, into a four month long sprain-ganza. (I was at away band camp, and there was no way in hell i wasnt going to march...of course even when we got back i still marched, but i stopped running the laps[see i tried a bit to help])Anyway that sucks because its the last mb event of the season. And i have the SAT and charity ball tomorrow.


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sarah is AMAZING

Why you ask is Sarah amazing? Because she FINISHED HER NANOWRIMO!
That is why!

I honestly did not think I was going to order to finish this novel I had to write 35 thousand words in four days. And that is just insane.

But against all the odds I finished and am currently doing a happy dance around my house.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Facebook on a blog! Crazy!

Here's a thing i did on fb, but since marshall and staci never check fb im putting it here too

Once you have been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. You have to tag the person who tagged you.

1. Right now I CAN NOT FEEL MY FINGERS, I'm warm, its just my fingers...but im warm cause i have two sweatshirts on and a comforter but i hate gloves (except my hobo gloves <3)

2. I pretty much hold friendship above everything, and to me friendship is honesty and loyalty. I really hate when people lie, and especially to friends, and i also hate when they brake a promise to a friend, and i hate when they tell secrets...that just shouldn't be done.

3. I am really open to pretty much everyone, i get to the point where i shove the most minute details of mylife in people's faces, the only exception is when i specifically dont want like one person to know something and unfortunately other people not feeling the same about 2 cause me to not tell anyone.

4. When I have a problem/issue/whatever i can't stop obsessing about it until it is over, i can come up with a plan of action really easy, it's the waiting that kills me. Like if something happened and i have to wait until school the next day to solve it, i die. That's why when im talk to ppl i tend to keep bringing up something even though we've talked it to death, its because i haven't solved it yet.

5. I have issues when i am not one of the best. which is one of the things i hate about myself. that is also why i hate picc, it lets eveyone KNOW that i'm not the best (or second best really cause im ok with being worse than James)

6. I love math. I know you all know that, but i dont think you actually get that i LOVE math. There is an answer, it is right, and can be proven. There is no "well, if this...", there is not discussion, or interpretation, or opinion in is just nice and right or wrong <3

7. Southern accents bother me. Yep, i am southern, i admitt it, but my family is from michigan and I really just freak out when i hear deep southern accents. Lately my mother has begun to develop one, its a very depressing thing. (nothing is more annoying than "soda" or "y'all")

8. I thrive in stress and too much work. I would go insaine if i had a moment to breathe. Don't beleive me? heres the proof: I'm in marching band, medical academy and IB...and next year i'm taking 9 classes (yes i am aware you are not "allowed" to do that) and you know what? I am THRILLED i love having too much work, and i just perform better under stress (band does not work with this though) so i guess it's a good thing i want a medical career...

9. Anatomy is the coolest thing EVERRRRRRRRRR. You just mention the contraction of muscles and i will go off with a long in-depth explanation why tropomyosin is so cool (yeah, partly because of calcium cow). Medical science is also way easy for me to learn to, its just great:D

10. Cold is love. It is sooo much better than hot (except in boys). Cold makes me hyper, and it is always wayy easier to get warm when its cold than vise versa. Also cold means snow is possible...snow is just pretty, and fun, and AMAZING. Cold means christmas is coming, along with my birthday! :D
Cold is great weather for snuggling. Cold means fires, and scarves, and cute layers, and hot chocolat. Cold means my flute goes flat, or my piccolo, see why that's a good thing? Cold also gives me an excuse to take a long hot shower, i adore long hot showers. Cold just makes me happy. :D

11. I am CONVINCED that my lack of spelling ability is a genetic inheritance. Like really. I can not matter how hard i try to learn, i just cant. I just learned sohpomore year that tomorrow is spelled tomorrow. Anyway, im convinced its genetic because my father is like this..and so is his father.

12. Nothing pleases me more than to talk about school, or plans for my future, or stuff like that. I actually LOVE it when adults are like all, where do you want to go to college? Why? Because i dominate this, i am so on track that its crazy. I have an impressive answer lined up too. And i am a very chill (in this sense anyway) non planner person whos not organized at all, yet for some reason when it comes to my future/school im super well planned.

13. I tend to adopt the way of speaking of people around me (exception? southern accents) when i am around them too much, and i cannot control it. Like currently I'm saying 'word' a lot. I hate saying word, yet i picked it up from someone and it will be awhile before it goes away. (haha Jules and Becca know one that i picked up during band camp that made me want to dieeee) I also do this with books, but it changes my writting more so than my actual speaking. Like if i read a formal old worldly book, i start to write like that...It bothers me though, because i hate being like a parrot.

14. I go through phases of obsession of books/movies/music/food/etc... And when i get obsessed, i get OBSESSED and then i move on...but i tend to dull it down b/c ppl are all freaked out. Once i watched mulan after school every day for two weeks b/c it was my current obsession. Oh i did this with Sweeney Todd too. I once got obsessed with these sesame crackers and i avoided eating dinner so i could eat the crackers instead. THis mostely happens with books and music though. I always have a song that i will listen to 90% the time my ipod is on, which is ALWAYS. Currently? Decode by Paramore. Before that it was Animals by Nickleback (hence my cell phone ringtone) With books i re-read and re-read and re-read the book for a while and do everything i can that is realated to them. Example? Twilight (thats not current though) i not only read the book, i decorated a folder with quotes, and i got a poster, bought all the books and spent countless hours online about it. I do this with wayyyy better books than twilight too though.

15. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate SUPER HATE, when ppl are all depressed all the time. And normally its either over a boy/girl or something that is not a big deal. It annoys me when everytime their status on fb updates, its all 'woa is me'. And what gets to me? Most of the time I wish i had their problem, and I dont get all depressed because I am worse off. If you're happy with your life, your life will be happier.

16. I have a weird affinity for odd names. When I was little, i was determined to change my name to Rikku. My fave. boy name right now is Jace. (i also like names that start with K) and basically the names that i like would get people teased when they are young. Oh, and I am also a fan for taking normal names and spelling them different. For example my friend staci's puppy is named Ceilidh and its said Kali, I LOVE that. I also like my own nicknames i give ppl and refuse to budge, (Les, Jules, case in point)

That was fun :D

ok now for tagging ppl, i would say because i love them for all, but that's cheating
Carrie: cause were gonna see twilight friday!!! yay for being sparkely vampires <3
Jacob: cause im currently talking to him right now
Mabel: because who else am i supposed to share my love of math with?
Jules: because she knows about the accent i picked up at band camp
Becca: two words: PICCOLO BUDDY!
Justine: because she is the most amazing thing, roomate, and FLARINET
Tyler: because he tells me to chill too much, and he needs to understand some of these things about me <3
Abreca: because i abuse her for her car too often
Imani: because she abuses abreca for her car right along with me :)
Tegan: because the girl likes to kick my chair in band class :P
Evonne: she's my lovely wifey
Alex: because he is my immature friend who entertains me
Paula: "If you say come with me off to massachussettes..."
Karoline: because she's a big mean senior and im her fave smudge (not to be confused with the smudge from erasing her pre-calc hw)
Maxwell: SIDS
Allison: because she's my fellow mugglecast/twilight obsessed friend


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nervous Break Down

ok not really a nervous breakdown ...(*pre-warning for those of you like staci, all my caring (what little there was) for spelling and grammar has dissapeard, so please dont kill yourselves while reading this) but im sitting here in my living room watching the election results with my mother. You may think that 'oh that's not so nerve wracking', but you would be wrong. Very, VERY wrong. Every time someone says the word mccain she freaks out. And you have to understand, I was nervous already, but I had confidence that Obama would win. All that confidence? Gone. Thanks a lot mom. So here I am bitting my nails, such a shame they were so pretty, and wide-eyed watching the TV with nervous noises coming from across the room. Oh God let Obama win.

ON a less nervous vote: NANOWRIMO. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Its soooo COOL! My story is epic..unfortunately no apperences from Antonio like staci, or even Johnny (< i may have to remedy that) but still IT IS AWESOME. It is a satire in marching band, how could it not be awesome???? Anyway as of now I am 7,077 words in...hopefully I will meet my goal of 8,000 before tomorrow, but I am still ahead of where i need to be :) YAY

Monday, October 6, 2008

November Needs To Come Before October...

LIKE SERIOUSLY, I need november so bad right now it is insaine. Why? you may ask, well the answer is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writting Month for those of you not cool enough to already know). So basically Staci got me doing this last year even though I actually hate writting, and it turned out to be fun! This year my story is going to be a marching band satire, which I dont know about you, but it pretty darn amazing. AND I CAN NOT WAIT!

Sorry my life is so boring there is nothing to post about...oh, well my band got 1 3rd place, 1 2nd place, and 5 1st places at our second band competition.