Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nervous Break Down

ok not really a nervous breakdown ...(*pre-warning for those of you like staci, all my caring (what little there was) for spelling and grammar has dissapeard, so please dont kill yourselves while reading this) but im sitting here in my living room watching the election results with my mother. You may think that 'oh that's not so nerve wracking', but you would be wrong. Very, VERY wrong. Every time someone says the word mccain she freaks out. And you have to understand, I was nervous already, but I had confidence that Obama would win. All that confidence? Gone. Thanks a lot mom. So here I am bitting my nails, such a shame they were so pretty, and wide-eyed watching the TV with nervous noises coming from across the room. Oh God let Obama win.

ON a less nervous vote: NANOWRIMO. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Its soooo COOL! My story is epic..unfortunately no apperences from Antonio like staci, or even Johnny (< i may have to remedy that) but still IT IS AWESOME. It is a satire in marching band, how could it not be awesome???? Anyway as of now I am 7,077 words in...hopefully I will meet my goal of 8,000 before tomorrow, but I am still ahead of where i need to be :) YAY

1 comment:

makm said...

i friended your blog... you should friend mine, because i only have like 2 people who read it. ohh. wait. it's 3. and one of them is maxwell :) plus, you know you love me. XD